> Biblioteca de referências > Sistema de Navegação
Inside story of the iconic iOS rubber band effect that launched the iPhone
Jota DS | O Design System Open Source da Meiuca
Lost in hyperspace: cognitive mapping and navigation in a hypertext environment
Mobbin - Latest Mobile Design Patterns
Mobile Patterns - UI UX Inspirational Gallery for iOS and Android
O paradoxo da escolha: como ajudar clientes indecisos
Our brains can't quit our gadgets—that didn't happen by accident
Pie Menus: A 30 Year Retrospective
Progressive Disclosure
Projetando Websites
Quatro truques de design que nos tornam viciados em celulares
The Psychology of Navigation
The Story of the Ribbon
UI Garage – Specific UI Design inspiration & Pattern for your design
UI Patterns - User Interface Design patterns
Usabilidade na web: Projetando Websites com Qualidade
Usability experts are from Mars, graphic designers are from Venus
Web Navigation – Designing the User Experience + CD
Welie - Patterns in Interaction Design
What Are User Interface (UI) Design Patterns? Everything You Need To Know
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